Jo Raven Dirty Princes
Title: Dirty Princes: A Standalone MMF Romantic Comedy Author: Jo Raven Genre: Menage Romance Cover Designer: RBA Designs | Romantic Book Affairs Once upon a time, there lived a princess called Brylee who had a cat and a steady job and her eye on a handsome prince. But Prince Ryan refused to put out. So she baked cookies and buttered muffins, without any double meaning whatsoever, and saved her cherry for her prince. Who was being difficult and not following the damn script. Then Riddick walked through the door and ate her cookie. Literally, okay? It was a good cookie, too, with chocolate chip. Riddick is drop-dead gorgeous, but not a prince. Regardless, Brylee can’t fight that burning attraction. Even when Ryan does a turn-about and starts showing interest in her, after all this time. This isn’t how things were supposed to happen. She was supposed to get a prince, not get caught between a hot prince and a h...