Unreserved by Michelle Dare
Title: Unreserved Author: Michelle Dare Genre: Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Designs by Dana Publication Date: July 27, 2018 Hosted by: Lady Amber's Reviews & PR Blurb: Life was so predictable. Alicia dedicated herself to work and spent her nights alone, rarely venturing out. She was content with her expanded role in her father’s business, even if she was lonely. She’d sworn off men, until a sexy detective made her reevaluate what she really wanted. Bodyguard duty was not why Rider became a detective. But, orders were orders. When he saw the blonde beauty, he silently thanked the chief for his new mission. One-night stands were all he’d wanted before, but Alicia sparked something primal inside him. Rider quickly put the pieces together—Alicia had been hurt, so she hid her heart. His goal became proving his love for her was unreserved. Then his closest friend revealed a secret, blindsiding Rider. A decision had to be made, and the outcom...