Pretty Little Mess by Carmel Rhodes
Title: Pretty Little Mess Author: Carmel Rhodes Genre: Romantic Comedy Add on Goodreads I’m having an out of body experience. At least...I think. Isn’t that what it’s called when your spirit abandons you to watch—from a safe distance, with the appropriate amount of judgement—while you make questionable decisions? Yup, one of those. I want to shout, “STOP ELLIE, DON’T DO IT!” But spirit me doesn’t have a voice. So I watch as she...I...we? Makes a sex contract with boss. This is a good time to mention the 45-minute HR meeting we sat through last month expressly forbidding this sort of thing. In our defense, Max is ridiculously hot, and I...we may have accidentally quit. With a sigh, I look down at the bodies pressed against the wall of the executive office. Yup, we’re totally screwed. Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU Writer of words. Mother of ...