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Title: Weak Without Him (Weakness #2)

Author: Lyra Parish

Release Date: March 31, 2014



"Love is an emotion that will destroy you if you let it. It can ruin your life or create a new one. Jealousy isn't much different."

Jennifer Downs treads in dangerous waters. Finnley Felton is unaware. With the help of Lady Luck, they will make it through.  Or will they?  Texas is nothing compared to Vegas but among the bright lights and busy streets, Jennifer discovers who she is. Her life has changed, and for better or worse, she continues to live like tomorrow will never come.  Sabotage. Hatred. Betrayal. Although love is beautiful and kind, it comes with consequences. Jennifer finds herself fighting. Fighting for her rights, for love, for Finnley, and for her life.  Hearts may be broken.  Lives will change. But the ultimate question remains: can love win all?  

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Weak Without Him (Weakness #2)


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Weak For Him (Weakness #1)

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About the Author


Words make the world go round. I love to write, travel, and sing really loud at the top of my lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make me gush. I am firm believer that a person can never have too many cats or cups of coffee, and that the F word is necessary. Forget the beach! Give me a gel pen, a stack of blank paper, and beautiful mountains!   

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