Title: Velicious Author: Shelique Lize Genre: Paranormal March 1st - March 11th Synopsis Justice Morel always had her life perfectly planned. Her goals were to graduate from the University with exceptional grades and get into the best law school Canada has to offer. Then one day, Justice tried to kill herself. Well, not her technically. It may have been Justice Morel’s body, but those actions weren’t intentional and the suicidal thoughts were not hers. Or, so she keeps telling her therapist and family. Justice is afraid she’s losing her mind and just wants to forget everything. But when her best friend is murdered, another one is being mind-screwed by a Vampyre, and her ex is back in town, looking as scrumptious as ever and very suspicious, maybe she isn’t all that crazy! Just when she thinks that life couldn’t throw her anymore curve balls, Justice figures out that she is Vampyre Doll and there’s a vampyre who seems very familiar to her, but she can’t figure out from where. Justice is suffocating and drowning in a dark world she’s been tossed into, forced to survive. It’s a world she never wanted to know about and would love to ignore, like it doesn’t exist. But, with every passing day, she’s pulled deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, wishing for everything to go back to the way it was. Buy The Book Amazon http://amzn.to/1CoC49H BN http://bit.ly/1vKyRh0 Excerpt Growling, I appeared in front of Amelia, standing in the scarlet moonlight, too quick for human eyes to comprehend. “Get, out!” and I pushed her—fangs and all. She stumbled backwards unto the wet, mucky cement, swallowing the panic and the urge to scream in terror at the Vampyre she claimed to love, once upon a time. Veins pumping, breathing ragged, I bellowed for Amelia to escape. With each step I advanced towards Amelia, she crawled backwards in fright, tears streaming down her face, until finally, she got up and sprinted into the darkness, stumbling a few times but keeping up with my forced pace and callous words. I heard Amelia gasp when she encountered the back wall, frantically seeking out her escape, and she winced when I reached around her to open the chamber doors, but instantly pulled away when my hands began to seer and burn. A nasty snarl bellowed out of my throat as I cursed, realizing this was indeed my punishment. Amelia scrambled from beside me, terrified to be so close, when just a day ago she couldn't keep her hands off of me. Hurrying back into the rouge lighting in sheer terror, Amelia ran without another word, escaping into the shadows of the dungeon, and she shrieked for salvation that never came. About The Author I'm just an awesome stay at home mother, of two beautiful babygirls and I love anything to do with the paranormal world. Author, reader, blogger. Wife to the luckiest man on the planet. Inspirational quotes, meditating and photography I appreciate. Sailormoon, movie-holic and hopeless Romantic. Lactose intolerant but I love cheese pizza. Shopaholic and I'm an Aries. Connect with Shelique Lize Website- http://bit.ly/ZACjCn Twitter- http://bit.ly/sheltwit Facebook- http://on.fb.me/1ysQI1t Google+ http://bit.ly/1zshvYq Goodreads profile: http://bit.ly/1KSJ3hw Hosted by Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions http://obsessivepimpettespromotions.blogspot.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/ObsessivePimpettesPromotions https://www.facebook.com/groups/ObsessivePimpettes/

Title: Velicious
Author: Shelique Lize
Genre: Paranormal

March 1st - March 11th


Justice Morel always had her life perfectly planned. Her goals were to graduate from the University with exceptional grades and get into the best law school Canada has to offer.
Then one day, Justice tried to kill herself. Well, not her technically. It may have been Justice Morel’s body, but those actions weren’t intentional and the suicidal thoughts were not hers. Or, so she keeps telling her therapist and family.
Justice is afraid she’s losing her mind and just wants to forget everything. But when her best friend is murdered, another one is being mind-screwed by a Vampyre, and her ex is back in town, looking as scrumptious as ever and very suspicious, maybe she isn’t all that crazy!
Just when she thinks that life couldn’t throw her anymore curve balls, Justice figures out that she is Vampyre Doll and there’s a vampyre who seems very familiar to her, but she can’t figure out from where.
Justice is suffocating and drowning in a dark world she’s been tossed into, forced to survive. It’s a world she never wanted to know about and would love to ignore, like it doesn’t exist. But, with every passing day, she’s pulled deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, wishing for everything to go back to the way it was.



Growling, I appeared in front of Amelia, standing in the scarlet moonlight, too quick for human eyes to comprehend. “Get, out!” and I pushed her—fangs and all. She stumbled backwards unto the wet, mucky cement, swallowing the panic and the urge to scream in terror at the Vampyre she claimed to love, once upon a time.
Veins pumping, breathing ragged, I bellowed for Amelia to escape. With each step I advanced towards Amelia, she crawled backwards in fright, tears streaming down her face, until finally, she got up and sprinted into the darkness, stumbling a few times but keeping up with my forced pace and callous words.
I heard Amelia gasp when she encountered the back wall, frantically seeking out her escape, and she winced when I reached around her to open the chamber doors, but instantly pulled away when my hands began to seer and burn.
A nasty snarl bellowed out of my throat as I cursed, realizing this was indeed my punishment. Amelia scrambled from beside me, terrified to be so close, when just a day ago she couldn't keep her hands off of me.
Hurrying back into the rouge lighting in sheer terror, Amelia ran without another word, escaping into the shadows of the dungeon, and she shrieked for salvation that never came.

clip_image010I'm just an awesome stay at home mother, of two beautiful babygirls and I love anything to do with the paranormal world. Author, reader, blogger. Wife to the luckiest man on the planet. Inspirational quotes, meditating and photography I appreciate. Sailormoon, movie-holic and hopeless Romantic. Lactose intolerant but I love cheese pizza. Shopaholic and I'm an Aries.

Hosted by Obsessive Pimpettes Promotions


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