Deviance by KE Osborn
Title: Deviance Series: The Chicago Defiance MC Series Book 3 Author: KE Osborn Genre: MC Romance Release Date: October 15, 2018 I’m broken. My fractured pieces held together by the grit of my brothers. My sanity—questionable at best. My pride—rocked every time someone says I’m a cold-blooded monster. It happened when she walked away. Forcing me to become the man I am today. Now, she’s back with a threat on her tail, and I’m the only man who can protect her. My brothers don’t know the reason she left, but they’re about to find out. This story is a hell of a ride—it’s chaotic, gritty, raw, and unrelenting. Love—it breaks you. Will society’s outcasts survive their deviance? a Rafflecopter giveaway Elaine's Review: OMG!!! What an emotionally charged book!! K E Osborn brings her characters to life and drags you along for a wild ride. Trax and Mylee where brought...