Love, Lies, Deceit by Leslie Johnson & J Griffin

LoveLiesDeceitRBBanner Love, Lies, & Deceit Cover 35fe1-add-to-goodreads-button31 button synopsis

Janice Fisher’s childhood was what every little girl dreamed of—big house, lots of attention and rich parents who loved her. She’s a bit sheltered, maybe, but that’s okay. At least it’s okay until she starts college and ‘sheltered’ becomes overbearing and she’s forced into a career path they want.

Then she meets a boy... father approved... until said boy turns into someone she never expected. She’s worried and doesn’t know what to do.

Her classmate, Olympic swimming hopeful Deshawn Bell, tries to help her, even though her situation appears hopeless from every angle. He's kind and sexy as hell. Their attraction to each other is intense. But neither of them are prepared for the hidden danger their relationship presents.

Find out what happens to Janice and Deshawn in the new adult thriller from Leslie Johnson. Love, Lies and Deceit is the first book of a series.

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Leslie Johnson

Leslie is a California native but recently moved to Arizona after a stint in Arkansas. She enjoys travel and being with friends. She is an avid reader of many genres, but prefers romances with travel or thriller themes. She loves writing about strong women and strong men because the world needs both!

J Griffin

Coming out from behind his desk as a ghostwriter and plot creator, J Griffin is now writing books under his own name and in partnership with other authors. Sweet stories of love and loss. Betrayal. Seeing past prejudiced and limiting beliefs. A big dose of suspense is often called for. Most of all, stories for today. Not your grandmothers romance novels!

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J Griffin




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