The Twenty-One by Lauren K. McKellar

Title: The Twenty-One
Series: Emerald Cove #2
Author: Lauren K. McKellar
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Kim from KILA Designs
Release Date: November 21, 2015


I look both ways before I cross the road. I knot my laces twice. Boring? Sure. But it’s also settled. Stable. Safe.

And I like safe.

Because broken bones may be hard to heal, but broken hearts are even harder. And when push comes to shove, I’ll lie to protect the ones I care about.

But the truth can set you free … can’t it?

My name is Ellie Mayfield. And this is my undoing.

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 Author Bio

Lauren K. McKellar is the author of romance reads that make you feel. She lives by the beach in Australia with her husband and their two dogs. Most of the time, all three of them are well behaved.

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